Welcome to Ultrafast Phenomena Lab, University of Warsaw

Ultrafast Phenomena Lab headed by Prof. Czesław Radzewicz is a research group focused on new frontiers in ultrafast laser physics. Our work encompasses developing new pulsed laser sources including amplifiers and parametric devices, designing devices for pulse characterization and pulse shaping and studying nonlinear interaction of light and matter.
Laser demonstration for general public
On 24th and 25th of September, we are letting general public come see our lab as well as some experiments prepared especially for this ocasion. Funny colors, loud sparks, drilling holes in coins with high intensity pulses - we have it all! Check out our poster below.

Goodbye, old Ti:Sa!
Our first homebuilt titanium-sapphire femtosecond oscillator and, as veterans of our lab will tell you, one of the first working ultrafast lasers in our part of Europe, has been finally disassembled to make room for some new equipment. In this historical moment, we offer a tribute for the meritorious device - a tongue-in-cheek movie on how to assemble and modelock a laser in less than sixty seconds.